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Dacia M Arnold | Author-Reader Match: APPARENT POWER

May 10, 2019

Instead of trying to find your perfect match in a dating app, we bring you the “Author-Reader Match” where we introduce you to authors as a reader you may fall in love with. It’s our great pleasure to present Dacia M Arnold! 


Dystopian Mom Fiction. In Apparent Power, Sparks fly in a mother’s journey to pick up the pieces after devastation. Because saving the world without a kid on your leg is just child’s play. Does she save her family? Or humanity?

Thirty-something contemporary science fiction author seeks closet readers of YA dystopian who enjoy the high-action and high-stakes of titles like Divergent and Hunger Games, but desperately want a heroine who understands the struggles of motherhood.

What I’m looking for in my ideal reader match:

  • Their idea of a perfect date includes an overnight babysitter (they exist), and silence found in a nice hotel with a Jacuzzi tub, paperback or e-reader, candles, and wine.
  • Did I mention silence?
  • Loves to read strong, relatable female characters with morals and reverence for marriage
  • Likes action-packed adventures of a mother doing everything she can to keep her family safe
  • Has parental guilt every single time they leave their children for any reason, but especially a perfect date or work.
  • Could really use a full body massage
  • Enjoys shining examples of functional adult relationships because they help them voraciously hate the bad guy
  • Spends spare time thinking about or prepping for any and every kind of disaster

What to expect if we’re compatible:

  • Frequent public appearances to unite in exhausted solidarity
  • Two more books in the DiaZem series following Apparent Power
  • More books varying in genre
  • Frequent giveaways via my newsletter and Facebook

APPARENT POWER by Dacia M Arnold

DiaZem Book One

Apparent Power

A dormant gene awakens in a quarter of the world’s population and the effects are apocalyptic. With an even rarer gene, the life of Valerie Russell turns into a shocking race against time.

When the human body begins to require more electricity than needed to keep a heart beating, cars lose power, phones no longer function, and planes fall from the sky.

Stranded in southern Colorado, a hundred miles from home–and from her two-year-old son– Valerie must find it within herself to trek the distance with the help of a questionable assembly of ex-military friends of the family.

Dystopian [Self Published, On Sale: February 8, 2019, e-Book (reprint), ISBN: 9781732467408 / ]

About Dacia M Arnold

Dacia M Arnold

Dacia M Arnold is an award-wining American novelist of dystopian, scifi and dark fiction. She enjoys writing main characters who are otherwise normal people with extraordinary abilities. She is also a mother, ten-year Army Veteran, and an Amazon #1 Bestseller.


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