Fresh FIction Box Not To Miss

Fresh Pick | STUCK WITH YOU by Trish Jensen

January 18, 2012
Stuck With You

January 2012
On Sale: January 1, 2012
Featuring: Ross Bennett; Paige Hart
ISBN: 1611940869
EAN: 9781611940862
Trade Size (reprint)

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Fresh Book of the Day

Trish Jensen

If you missed it the first time, don’t miss it now…

Stuck With You
by Trish Jensen

As lawyers on opposing sides of a messy divorce case, Paige Hart and Ross Bennett ought to have kept matters purely professional, yet Paige and Ross came to loathe each other with an intensity that was strictly personal. The bad blood between them takes on an unexpected new dimension when the infuriated pair is forced to share a hospital room, when they’re quarantined after being exposed to the rare and highly contagious Tibetan Concupiscence Virus that’s reputed to shift sensual desire into high gear.

When symptoms (which a nonmedical person might mistake for pure and simple lust) start showing up way ahead of schedule, the lawyers’ objections to each other are overruled — and they enjoy every minute of it. But, after the doctors declare that the disease has run its course, Paige and Ross are still feverish with a longing for one another that they hope will never be cured. When the verdict comes in, will they be sentenced to life — in love?

A wonderfully engaging romance.


TIBETAN n: a native or inhabitant of Tibet
CONCUPISCENCE n: strong desire, esp: sexual desire
VIRUS n: the causative agent of an infectious disease
“You are a snake.”
“And you are a shrew.”
She’d take great offense at that if it weren’t so damnably true. “Your client is not getting Doo¬dle.”
“He bought and paid for Doodle.”
“As a gift for Jasmine, and her name is all over the ownership papers.”
“Jasmine stated unequivocally that she’d have preferred jewelry.”
They separated long enough to sidestep the sea of reporters camping out at the courthouse to cover the sensational trial of mob boss Carmine “Boom Boom” Carbone—so nicknamed because of his penchant for blowing up his enemies with homemade bombs.
Once past the chaos outside the doors to Court¬room Read More… Previous Picks

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