Fresh FIction Box Not To Miss
Katherine Ann Kingsley | Villains and Other Untraditional Heroes
Author Guest / June 1, 2023

Q: While browsing Amazon recently for more monster-themed romance, I happened on your new book THE UNSEELIE DUKE. The cover is fab and pulled me in right away, so I snagged it. However, the male protagonist, Izael, captivated me. I normally avoid fae-centric romance, but there’s just something about Izael. He’s as cray cray as some of the other fae characters I’ve read about in the past but a with a bit more charisma. What’s your inspiration? For this character and this series? Will it stop at being a trilogy? Izael definitely came out of left field! I had written my first series set in my dark fantasy fae realm, Maze of Shadows, and figured that’d be it for me. But that insane nope-rope just showed up in my head out of nowhere and demanded to be written. It definitely pulls from Labyrinth, and some of my other favorite old fantasy movies like Legend. I also just tend to love writing insane male leads—they always make me laugh.   Q: I love the artwork for your books. Can you tell me a little about that? Grace Zhu, my cover artist, is just fantastic! She came to me asking to illustrate…

Sabrina Blackburry | Author-Reader Match: DIRTY LYING FAERIES
Author Guest / August 25, 2022

Instead of trying to find your perfect match in a dating app, we bring you the “Author-Reader Match” where we introduce you to authors you may fall in love with. It’s our great pleasure to present Sabrina Blackburry!   Writes: I write adventurous escapes, treading the lines of paranormal romance and urban fantasy. Stories containing love with a touch of magic. To craft characters looking for their place in the world and finding it sometimes in unexpected ways. My debut novel DIRTY LYING FAERIES is a taste of fantasy right under our unassuming human noses, filled with female friendships, fated mates, and a quieter sort of heroine that figures things out in her own way.   About: A writer from Missouri, everything I create is rooted in my love of fantasy and nature. A longtime fan of staying home in my pjs and parties that end by 9 p.m., my main characters tend to be introverts. When I’m not in my garden, I’m being harassed by my two cats or spending time with my husband and son, likely playing games in some form or another.   What I’m looking for in my ideal reader match: Has an attraction to inhuman…

S.L. Choi | 20 Questions: BAD GIRLS DRINK BLOOD
Author Guest / May 19, 2022

Your female protagonist in BAD GIRLS DRINK BLOOD, Lane Callaghan, is described as being “the only hybrid fae in existence”. What made you choose a fae connection for your main character? Funny story! The idea for this book first came about as my way around the “no vampires in traditional publishing” trend a few years back. I love mythology and I decided to create a fae race that drank blood. While this is my take on the fae, I wavered between elves and fae. Ultimately, I wanted to bring in more characters and creatures from a Celtic background (though, there is a nod to Norse Mythology in the story).   How would you describe your Blood Fae Druid series to readers? What’s the focus? Lane is forced by her long-time enemies to hunt down monsters while proving she isn’t one herself or accepting that she is.   How would you describe Lane? The book description says that she has family but, other than that, is she more of a tough loner? Or does she have any friends for added support? Aside from her adopted sisters (who she is fiercely loyal to), Lane is a loner. As the only hybrid fae…

Melissa Marr Interview – Tales of the Fae
Author Guest , Interviews / April 14, 2022

Your book DARK SUN involves the faery world. What is it about the fae that you find compelling as an author? I grew up on folklore, so I draw on that old lore of the faeries. The faeries have a removed world, but they visit ours, and they can be invisible to the eye at their will and whim. Iron is toxic. They offer bargains that seem like a good idea, but they’re always clever in ways we aren’t. Beautiful, dangerous, tempting, and ancient. Yes, please. And, as every tale goes, mortals arrogantly think we can successfully outwit them—in part because the faeries cannot lie. What’s not to love there? So many possibilities!   What would you say is the central conflict in DARK SUN? Would you say there is an equal mix of action and romance? The question of the book is coming to terms with who you are and what you seek in this life. In Katherine and Urian’s case, love changes everything for both of them. Romance? Definitely. Action? Yes. It’s also a story that draws us back toward the original characters. We see where our first WL protagonists are about five years after that series ended….

Eileen Dreyer – Daughters of Myth
Author Guest / March 31, 2022

Okay, so we all know about fairies, right? Tiny, twinkly things that can be found flitting from flower to flower like humanoid pollinators with gossamer wings and pointy ears. Tinkerbell. Merryweather. Peaseblossom. Puck. Yeah. That works for Hollywood and Shakespeare. Not for Ireland. Irish fairies are different. To illustrate that, let me paint a picture. Tucked into the center of my front garden is a paving stone decorated with a painted daisy and the admonition Don’t Piss Off The Fairies. In Ireland, that was never a joke. Irish fairies can be as whimsical and mischievous as any other fairy. There are certainly pixies in the garden, leprechauns in the shoe shop and merpeople in the sea. But there are also those who can also be terrible and fearsome. Think of the Elves in Lord of the Rings. Regal, powerful, sensual. Serious about certain things. The Irish fairies are protectors of the earth, and they don’t take to anybody abusing their turf. The Irish people have so respected that belief, that until recently they rerouted roads and moved buildings to prevent cutting down fairy bushes or destroying fairy forts. Gifts were left on doorsteps to appease fairies, and fences built and…