Fresh FIction Box Not To Miss
Melanie Milburne | PLAYBOY’S LESSON
Author Guest / May 24, 2014

A notoriously charming bad boy-Even by Chatsfield standards Lucca had to admit this latest one to hit the London tabloids was a doozy. An uptight and starchy princess-‘Personality clash, you call it? I’d call it a personality collision! That man is nothing but trouble. He came swaggering in as if I was a housemaid instead of a princess. He called me sweetheart!’ Lucca Chatsfield is exiled to the European principality of Preitalle to help Princess Charlotte (Lottie) plan her sister’s wedding. He intends to spend the time on the beach with a bevy of beautiful blondes to peel his grapes for him. Lottie will not allow a spoilt rich boy ruin her one chance of showing her family (and the world) she is not just a spare heir. ‘You are not here to party. You are here to help me. So help me you will.’ He leaned one elbow idly against the doorjamb. ‘Would you like a drink?’ Her eyebrows snapped together. ‘Mr Chatsfield, I am not here to socialize. I am here to assign you specific tasks to do with the wedding.’ ‘Humour me.’ He closed the door and smiled down at her lopsidedly. ‘I never do business with…