Fresh FIction Box Not To Miss
Ruby Lang | Exclusive Excerpt: OPEN HOUSE
Author Guest / November 12, 2019

In this excerpt, Ty runs into Magda when he’s out jogging, and she’s coming off a long evening of work. The woman stepped out into the light just as Ty was approaching the spot under the street lamps. He’d angled himself off the sidewalk and onto the street and put on a burst of speed to get past her–slowing down would scare her into thinking he was a creep, especially at this time of night. But he’d already sprinted past her when he registered who it was–and that she had already seen him. Magda Ferrer. What the hell was she doing out here in the middle of the night, half limping? Was she hurt? He turned quickly and almost ran smack into her as she came back toward him. “Are you okay? Are you safe? Talk to me.” His eyes scanned her as best they could under the street lamp. He was aware that he wanted to run his hands over her, to check for himself to see if she was whole and healthy. But he didn’t want to scare her more. She seemed unharmed. A little dazed. She was staring at his chest, which he realized belatedly was bare…