Fresh FIction Box Not To Miss
Ava Ross | Fae Lords, Murder Mysteries, and Romance
Author Guest / December 20, 2022

1–What is the title of your latest release? ICE LORD’S BRIDE, book 1 of the duology, Bride of the Fae 2–What’s the book about? Humans and the fae have formed a truce, and Raven is one of a group of women traveling to the fae world where she must choose a husband from among fae aristocracy. Only one lord is forbidden, the cursed ice lord, Elion. But a chance meet-up with him is followed by a kiss, and after that, Raven will do anything to be with him. Then one of the women is found dead, and “your next” is written in blood on Raven’s bedroom wall. With her life in danger, Raven must decide if she dares remain in the fae kingdom with Elion or return to the human world where she’ll never see him again. Expect danger, a twisty plot, magic, and steamy romance. 3–How did you decide where your book was going to take place? Like many of us, I’m fascinated by magical worlds. I usually write Sci-fi Romance but have also written YA fantasy under a different pen name. I wanted to see if I could write a magical world using the tropes my SFR readers…

BLAZING EARTH – The Woo-Woo Continues! by Terri Brisbin
Author Guest / October 6, 2022

One of the best things about writing the WARRIORS OF THE STONE CIRCLE series has been the crazy, woo-woo things that have happened or I’ve discovered while writing it.  From creating elements or events for my FICTIONAL story that have been discovered later to connecting my husband’s DNA ancestry to locations in the story, it was one surprise after another as truth became wilder than fiction. My series is based on ancient Celtic mythology, but when I was researching the gods and goddesses and the symbols and important details, I realized that a god/goddess was missing. Seven is a sacred number to the Celts and yet there were only six main ancient gods. So, I wondered where the seventh one was. And that led me to a series of “what-if” questions that helped me develop the story that is told in four books – what if the six turned against the seven? What if they exiled her because she was evil and trying to destroy the world? What if there were gates that kept her out of this world? What if those gates were circles of standing stones? And what if the ancient gods/goddesses left behind human descendants who were…

Megan Van Dyke | 20 Questions: THE UGLY STEPSISTER
Author Guest / September 14, 2022

1–What is the title of your latest release? THE UGLY STEPSISTER 2–What’s the “elevator pitch” for your new book? Anna knows the truth about her stepsister, Cinderella: the pauper turned queen wasn’t the victim but the bully. 3–How did you decide where your book was going to take place? I didn’t decide so much as my characters told me. From the very moment the idea for this story popped into my head, I saw a lush forest setting and a gleaming castle in the distance. That inspired much of the general setting where the book takes place, and my characters showed me all the details of it. From a broader perspective, all the books in the Reimagined Fairy Tales Collection are set in the same world, so that also influenced the magic, mythology, religion, and political elements of the novel. 4–Would you hang out with your heroine in real life? Absolutely, lol! Though I wonder if she’d want to hang out with me? She’s not one for the spotlight or being around a lot of people, so it might depend on what we planned to do and where. 5–What are three words that describe your hero? Determined, head-strong, and skilled….

The Character Most Likely – Elizabeth Rose
Author Guest / August 18, 2022

To celebrate Elizabeth Rose’s new book BEWITCHED – the second book in her Portals of Destiny series, we here at Fresh Fiction thought it would be a fun way for readers to get to know her characters better (from her many many fab books) to play a little game we call “The Character Most Likely”. If you’re new to her Portals of Destiny series – It’s a mix of fantasy and historical romance. Elizabeth Rose is free to select her answers from any series. Most likely to hold a grudge longer than anybody else? That would have to be Reed Douglas, my hero from Reckless Highlander, Book 3 of my Legendary Bastards of the Crown. He is a triplet and also the last of the brothers to forgive his father – the king – for wanting them killed as babies, among other things.   Most likely to figure out a way to use an enemy’s strength against him? This, I think would be Medea, my heroine from Bewitched. She is a witch sired from good and evil. Most of the time, she is her worst enemy. Medea was first seen in Lady in the Tower (Rapunzel) from my Tangled Tales…

Tish Thawer | Title Challenge: WEAVER
Author Guest / June 23, 2022

Hi! I’m Tish Thawer, author of WEAVER, and I’m so excited to be here today to give you a little tease of my brand-new release. Milly is a nineteen-year-old hereditary witch who has lived alone for most of her life. That is, until she meets the man in her dreams. Drawn to this stranger and his unique brand of magic, Milly must decide if a life lived in the dreamscape is worth the price… for the choice between love and magic is a dangerous thing.   W – Witchy E – Enchanting A – Avid gardener V – Vulnerable E – Enticed by the man of her dreams … R – Roarke WEAVER by Tish Thawer   He walked out of my dream, identifying himself only as the Weaver. In a black cloak, with eyes like stars, there was a shimmer to the way he moved. He was beautiful … Ethereal. And I was going to make him mine. Alone for most of her life, Milly is determined to make the man of her dreams a reality. Using her hereditary magic, she sets out on a lifelong quest, entering a world of shadows and secrets. Little does she know, to possess his heart, she’ll have to give…

Liv Zander | 20 Questions: KING OF FLESH AND BONE
Author Guest / June 9, 2022

1–What is the title of your latest release? KING OF FLESH AND BONE 2–What is it about? At its core, this dark fantasy romance is about how love can turn us into fools for liars and monsters. The book asks the reader if villains deserve to be loved, and if we can root for such a couple against the guidelines of morality. As for the overall story, you’ll have to go in blindfolded, letting the first chapter give you a good spin. 3–What do you love about the setting of your book? I love how dark and forlorn it is, allowing my gory and macabre side to come out and play a little. 4–How did your heroine surprise you? Ada turned out to be much stronger than I first anticipated. Even though the book packs some serious angst, she remained rather level-headed throughout, using her brain to assess the situations and come up with plans. 5–Will readers love your hero? No, because there is no hero in this book. There is, however, a villain readers will hate to love. I have no intentions of redeeming him because, well… villains do it better. 6–What was one of your biggest challenges while…

Eileen Dreyer – Daughters of Myth
Author Guest / March 31, 2022

Okay, so we all know about fairies, right? Tiny, twinkly things that can be found flitting from flower to flower like humanoid pollinators with gossamer wings and pointy ears. Tinkerbell. Merryweather. Peaseblossom. Puck. Yeah. That works for Hollywood and Shakespeare. Not for Ireland. Irish fairies are different. To illustrate that, let me paint a picture. Tucked into the center of my front garden is a paving stone decorated with a painted daisy and the admonition Don’t Piss Off The Fairies. In Ireland, that was never a joke. Irish fairies can be as whimsical and mischievous as any other fairy. There are certainly pixies in the garden, leprechauns in the shoe shop and merpeople in the sea. But there are also those who can also be terrible and fearsome. Think of the Elves in Lord of the Rings. Regal, powerful, sensual. Serious about certain things. The Irish fairies are protectors of the earth, and they don’t take to anybody abusing their turf. The Irish people have so respected that belief, that until recently they rerouted roads and moved buildings to prevent cutting down fairy bushes or destroying fairy forts. Gifts were left on doorsteps to appease fairies, and fences built and…