Fresh FIction Box Not To Miss
Jayci Lee | Exclusive Excerpt: THE DATING DARE
Author Guest / July 27, 2021

From Chapter Two… “Here, let me switch out the glasses to something more civilized,” Tara said, reaching for his snifter. They were going to pass out before the game got interesting if they chugged from their full-sized glasses. “And we’ll both drink the white ale to keep the alcohol level even.” “Sounds like a plan. Should I start?” He rubbed his hands together like he was relishing the thought of annihilating her. How precious. “Truth or dare?” “Truth.” She crossed her arms in the universal bring-it-on gesture. “When was your first kiss and with whom?” he asked with a friendly smile. “Seriously? You just went there?” Her arms dropped limply to her sides. Tara felt warmth seeping up from her neck and spreading to her cheeks. She was a late bloomer, and her first kiss hadn’t been until college with her first boyfriend. She never spoke about Jason. He had been her first everything, including her first heartbreak. He’d done such a thorough job of it that she’d buried her heart deep inside so no one could touch it again. It took her a year of friendship and a lot of beer before she’d even told Aubrey about the abusive…

Kerrigan Byrne | 20 Questions: THE DEVIL IN HER BED
Author Guest / March 3, 2021

1–What is the title of your latest release? THE DEVIL IN HER BED 2–What is it about? It is about a spy and a countess who share a tragic and secret past. They’re thrown together to fight a common enemy, but what they end up fighting is their intense attraction to each other. Francesca, the heroine, has trained her entire life in weapons, combat, and revenge…and eventually, she must decide if the hero, Chandler, is her ally or her foe. 3–What do you love about the setting of your book?  I love that it’s set in the heart of the London elite and is still dangerous as any Scottish battlefield or wild western. 4–How did your heroine surprise you?  Honestly it was how delicate she was. She has trained herself to be bold, strong, and single-minded. But beneath all that she loves not only with ferocity, but with a tenderness and sensitivity that is singular to women, I think. 5–Why will readers love your hero?  This hero is like James Bond meets John Wick and I’m so excited for you to meet him! 6–What was one of your biggest challenges while writing this book (spoiler-free, of course!)?  Mostly it was…

Caitlin Crews | 20 Questions: SECRET NIGHTS WITH A COWBOY
Author Guest / December 1, 2020

1–What’s the name of your latest release?  My new book is called SECRET NIGHTS WITH A COWBOY and also contains a bonus novella called SWEET NIGHTS WITH A COWBOY. The heroes are brothers. And cowboys. And super hot if I say so myself.  2–What is it about?  It’s about a couple who got married young and never figured out how to move away from the kind of childish relationship things that marked how they started in high school.  Can they finally learn how to grow together? Or is it really time to move on? 3–What word best describes your heroine?  Determined.  4–What makes your hero irresistible?  He’s a man who knows who he is and what he wants. Especially his wife! 5–Who are the people your main characters turn to when they need help?  They both have their families and friends, who provide varying degrees of support and advice throughout! I’m lucky to have written three other books set in the same small town, so there are a lot of familiar faces in these books and a lot of chances for them to connect, learn, and grow. 6–What do you love about the setting of your book?  Cold River, Colorado,…