Fresh FIction Box Not To Miss
Tara Thomas | Top Five Ways To Beat Writer’s Block
Author Guest / February 9, 2018

Those who know me, know I am not a plotter. Not even just a little. I have some hardcore plotter friends and I’m always impressed with their color coded documents and the ease with which they fill out those conflict worksheets. And though there’s a part of me who will always wonder, “But how do you know that happens in Chapter Six?” I’m always a tad bit jealous of my plotting peers. I promise, I’ve tried to plot. I’ve been to classes, listened to talks, and even fill out a document or two. But I eventually accepted I will always be a pantster who flies by the seat of my pants. I love writing this way. It’s what allows the magic to happen. And it’s comfortable for me. However, I’ve found that when you don’t plan out what happens next, sometimes you don’t know what happens next, and you find yourself staring at a blank sheet of paper, willing the words to appear onscreen. Because I’ve yet have words suddenly appear on my screen, here’s what I do when that happens. Skip to the next scene Or at least to the next scene where you know something happens. It’s okay…