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A.M. Arthur | Author-Reader Match: HIS FRESH START COWBOY
Author Guest / January 25, 2022

Instead of trying to find your perfect match in a dating app, we bring you the “Author-Reader Match” where we introduce you to authors as a reader you may fall in love with. It’s our great pleasure to present A.M. Arthur! Writes: LGBTQ+ romance with heaping doses of angst, probably some tears, but always a Happily Ever After for my main characters. While I do dabble in paranormal, I mostly write contemporary, such as my brand new cowboy series, HIS FRESH START COWBOY, which launches the Woods Ranch series with Carina Press. There are plenty of sexy times and romance to be found on the ranch, especially in this best friend’s-brother story set in a north Texas cattle ranch. About: A small-town girl who loves writing about equally small towns and characters who find big love there, I am avid reader and cat lover. I also enjoy cooking at home and experimenting with new flavor profiles, so you will frequently find food references in my stories. My favorite thing to do in the evening is cuddle up on the couch with a fuzzy throw blanket, my two cats, and a good book. What I’m looking for in my ideal reader match:…