Fresh FIction Box Not To Miss
working no time for reading?
Guests / May 29, 2005

We’re in the middle (or hopefully) the end of upgrading our server. The processor never seems to be as straightforward as advertised, so instead of reading good fiction, I’ve been reading manuals, FAQs, and other not-quite-so-interesting technical briefs. Visit to learn more about books and authors.

Updates, geez
Guests / May 24, 2005

Okay, trying to fix the site feed, so hang on to your hats, it’s not as easy as you think. Visit to learn more about books and authors.

Monday Musings, or stuff to do this week
Guests / May 16, 2005

After downing two nice mugs of wonderful Central Market java, I’m ready to face the week. And for me, that means the infamous, demanding, annoying, but necessary TO DO list! So, what will we be doing this week? Posting a ton (well, it feels that way) of reviews for June books. Publishing our weekly newsletter on Tuesday. Adding the books from the two big mystery confabs — the Agathas and the Edgars. Adding comments (wouldn’t that be nice if it actually worked this time) Nudging the search function to return good stuff, I actually think I figured that one out. Yeah, right. Adding the poll. Add books, add books, add books. Ah, the life of data gatherer is NEVER done. So, off to pet the dog, drink one more cup and work, work, work. Visit to learn more about books and authors.

Book Signing — Mary Kay Andrews
Guests / May 12, 2005

The thing I like about a book signing when you go with someone else you make it into an “event” by always combining with food. Or drinks. I can do drinks too. But the best part is the anticipation. M and I were the only ones who could make it to the Mary Kay Andrews (MKA) signing last night in Plano, but we had a blast. MKA is delightful in person and we learned all the secrets of a best selling book– I’d be happy to share them with the world. It is brainstorming in a bubble bath!! Geez, I do some of my best reading in the bath! Uh, except when the book takes a nose dive into the bubbles, that is a bit of a downer, but otherwise, a nice warm tub of bubbles, a glass of merlot, scented candles burning and I’m set for a good read. And for MKA, it is a time to brainstorm her next book! I say go for it! Hissy Fit is her latest book. The tale of what happens in a small town after a bride finds her groom doing the nasty with her best friend and maid of honor during…

Curious and what?
Guests / May 11, 2005

Just invited to check out a group of authors on their blog who are helping a readers group become more exciting. Now, color me stupid, but unless those readers are part of an active readers group, know the trials and tribulations of keeping a group dynamic and growing, isn’t it asking for just a general well-meaning opinion? I really don’t get it. I’d rather ask advice from a group similar to the one I’d be trying to grow — uh, say, another readers group, one that appears successful, than a bunch of people trying to sell something. Yup, you’re right, I haven’t had a full pot of coffee yet and I’m feeling my pain. I’m excited though. Tonight our reading group is meeting Mary Kay Andrews. This is sorta thrilling since she is definitely NOT romance, but straight fiction. I checked out the copyright page in Hissy Fit and for the Library of Congress classification purposes (am I the ONLY one who reads that for a grin?) her work is “Fiction, Southern States,” “Fiction, Revenge,” and “Fiction, Young Girls.” Silly me, I didn’t realize that “revenge” is a library classification. Thinking on it, there are lots of books I would…