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Ursula Grey | A long lost love…Do you have one? | Win a copy of Fallen Woman of Világos

April 17, 2012

Ursula GreyFallen Woman of Világos
I have been here before, but when or how I cannot tell;

I know the grass beyond the door,

The sweet keen smell,

The sighing sound,

The lights around the shore.

You have been mine before,-

How long ago I may not know:

But just when at that swallow’s soar

Your neck turned so,

Some veil did fall, – I knew it all of yore.

~ Dante Gabriel Rossetti

Dear Readers,

Have you ever experienced what the French call, déjà vu, that eerie sense that you’ve seen, heard or experienced something before although you haven’t? Have you ever met someone for the first time and felt you’ve known that person forever? What about love at first sight? You know, the moment your eyes meet and there’s an instant connection…Or, according to some, it’s an instant recognition, perhaps of a long lost love.

I’ve always been fond of the lines above from Rossetti’s poem, Sudden Light. It brings to mind those fleeting glimpses of memories long forgotten. You know the kind-just enough to provide the spark of a recollection. There for a moment and then gone just as quickly! From just how far back in time do some of these memories arise? Many believe these experiences are attributable to reincarnation and the memory of past lives…

As a writer of erotic historical romance, (be forewarned-they are spicy reads), the expression of love in all its aspects is very important to me. I’ve always believed that the bond of love between two people, if strong enough, can transcend time. In essence, this is the theme of my latest novella, Fallen Woman of Világos. Time after time, Karolina seems to lose the man she loves. Will this time be different?

Here is a little more about the story:

“Karolina’s survival is dependent upon her wits and beauty. She uses men as they use her, remaining with them only long enough to take what she needs before disappearing in the night. Barely escaping her last relationship with her life, and with little more than the clothes on her back, she is in desperate need of a benefactor.

She hatches a plan to feign amnesia in the hope of obtaining assistance from a stranger, but not just any stranger. If she is lucky, she will employ the ruse on a man of means. When she spies a grand house nestled on the outskirts of Vienna, she decides upon it as her destination. Will she convince the inhabitant to provide her shelter until she determines her next move? No widow, spinster, or doddering old fool—the master of this house is a handsome and virile man, whose eyes sparkle with intelligence.

Lukas Holt is surprised by the appearance of a woman at his door. Although skeptical of her story, he allows her entry. As a doctor, he is eager to help her regain her memory, as a man, he is intent upon healing her—body and soul. She is clearly in need, but more so, there is something hauntingly familiar about her…

Nothing will prepare him for her shocking revelations. The good doctor comes to a stunning conclusion regarding who this woman is…and why he can never let her go.”

Have you ever experienced the feeling of déjà vu or odd memories that you can’t explain? Tell me more. I’d love to hear your thoughts! Or just say hello:-) Please comment for a chance to win a copy of Fallen Woman of Világos.

A Note from Ursula:

As an avid reader of historical fiction it makes perfect sense that I would also be drawn to writing it. I love stories in which women, despite all odds, overcome obstacles to realize their dreams. A major theme in my work is the successful journey of the female underdog, regardless of where she lived or in which century she was born. I hope I’ve created a rich and spicy tapestry of words that will entice you to return to read more of the stories inside my head that are just waiting to be told.

Ursula Grey has always been fascinated by the written word. A Northern transplant, she now resides in the sultry South with her husband and crazy puppy. When not at work, she is either reading, writing, relaxing, practicing yoga, or in route to France.

Author website or on @UrsulaGrey

Time after time, Karolina seems to lose the man she loves. Will this time be different?

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