Fresh FIction Box Not To Miss
Meet Jennifer Ashley
Interviews / May 21, 2016

Miranda Owen: First, let me say that I am such a huge fan. How do you find the time to write so many different varieties of romance books, in addition to your historical mysteries? What is your process like? Jennifer Ashley: Thanks so much! How do I find the time? The short answer is: It ain’t easy! The longer answer is: I write every day. I start each morning, at breakfast, writing. I’ve made that a habit for years. So, even if I wake up wanting a day off, by the time I get to my computer with my bagel or toast, my brain turns on and starts creating a story. I can write anywhere from 500 to 2000 words during my breakfast sessions. That’s very helpful. If I can then do a few more writing sessions during the day (I can write 1000-1500 words an hour if I don’t goof off), that becomes a good chunk each day. In this way, I can write a full novel (100,000 words) in two months. That includes the first rewrite / revision. That’s two months if I’m not interrupted with real life—usually the work stretches to three months until it’s final, final,…

Shae Ross | A Reader’s Eye
Author Guest / May 21, 2016

One of my favorite things to do as I’m writing is to create a Pinterest Board and a Spotify playlist that match the theme of my book. I start adding songs to my playlist as soon as I begin a story and continue, adding as I write. The same is true of my Pinterest board. By the time my manuscript is complete I have the journey well documented. Even more thrilling is when one of my readers shares graphic artwork that they’ve created after reading one of my books. As an author, I love the glimpse into my readers’ concept of my characters, and considering whether it pairs well with my own vision. Like other art forms, reading is in the eye of the beholder. Many of us who like to read also love to discuss books. These discussions yield similar opinions and often open my eyes to something I hadn’t considered. For the same reason, when someone shows me my work through their eyes, it’s a huge RUSH! :-). The quote picture images on this board were created by one of my gracious readers! Thanks @wishfulmiss! You can see more RUSH images on my Pinterest Board and hear the…

Pepper Basham | Dusted with Magic
Author Guest / May 20, 2016

I’ve always been a daydreamer. When I was a kid, it usually translated into some epic imaginary play with my brother and cousins. Nowadays, it ends up providing great creativity to my day-job as a pediatric speech language pathologist and in my night-job as a writer. Daydreaming is a powerful tool of creativity, whether as a carpenter, teacher, game designer, architect…any profession really. In story creating, it’s a foundational element to bridge the gap between the ‘real’ world and the fictional dimension. In daily life, it’s that little bit of glitter on the ordinary. Though many daydreams may take us to new and exciting places, imaginary or real, some of our daydreams can carry more of a homemade scent. I think that’s why I have such fun writing both novels that happen in this time period in my native Blue Ridge Mountains, as well as in historical or fantasy time periods. Homemade daydreams in fiction are those that happen in the known world. Blue Ridge Mountains for me. With this type of daydreaming comes a stronger sense of smell, a tangible touch to the world around me, a physical knowing of the way the weather hits my skin and the…

Sandra Lake | If a Viking had an iPod…
Author Guest / May 18, 2016

Music can be the sound track to our emotions. A great song can not only change your mood but also change your day. When a song speaks to you and knows your heart, you bond with it. I thought it would be fun to pick my characters brains and pick the top 5 songs for Hök Magnusson and Lady Sovia, the hero and heroine of my new Viking romance, THE NORTHMAN’S BRIDE. To give you a touch of context, my young Viking warrior Hök Magnusson gets his heart clawed out by his first love, Lady Sovia. Seven years later and his wound has yet to heal. Don’t judge my book by the cover models. I promise Hök is not always that grumpy looking. Hök’s Playlist would be: Bite Hard by Franz Ferinand. After Sovia tossed Hök’s love aside, he’s gutted and understandable ill tempered. This song is about breaking hearts and breaking minds. Hopeless Wanderer by Mumford and Sons. Scorned and feeling he has dishonored his family, Hök volunteering joins the neighboring counties civil war to secure his families boarders. Tick Tick Boom by The Hives. Years later, on his second encounter with Sovia, Hök is a ticking time bomb…

Sandra Lake | If a Viking had an iPod…
Author Guest / May 18, 2016

Music can be the sound track to our emotions. A great song can not only change your mood but also change your day. When a song speaks to you and knows your heart, you bond with it. I thought it would be fun to pick my characters brains and pick the top 5 songs for Hök Magnusson and Lady Sovia, the hero and heroine of my new Viking romance, THE NORTHMAN’S BRIDE. To give you a touch of context, my young Viking warrior Hök Magnusson gets his heart clawed out by his first love, Lady Sovia. Seven years later and his wound has yet to heal. Don’t judge my book by the cover models. I promise Hök is not always that grumpy looking. Hök’s Playlist would be: Bite Hard by Franz Ferinand. After Sovia tossed Hök’s love aside, he’s gutted and understandable ill tempered. This song is about breaking hearts and breaking minds. Hopeless Wanderer by Mumford and Sons. Scorned and feeling he has dishonored his family, Hök volunteering joins the neighboring counties civil war to secure his families boarders. Tick Tick Boom by The Hives. Years later, on his second encounter with Sovia, Hök is a ticking time bomb…

DiAnn Mills | Social Media and Writers
Author Guest / May 18, 2016

Hey Writers, are You afraid of Social Media? I’ve been in your shoes. In fact, I wore out several pairs called, “I can’t do social media.” They pinched my toes and hurt my feet. So I tossed them in the trash and bought a new pair titled, “I’m not afraid of social media.” Those shoes were made for success, and I wear them every day. My real issue was fear. I thought I couldn’t learn the different platforms. Questions hovered, like where does my brand and genre fit? How many platforms must I use? I’m foremost a novelist, not a guru in mastering the social media universe. It made sense to me that doing nothing meant no risk of failure. Wisdom marched in with clarification: Doing nothing meant I’d always regret not trying, and I was limiting my exposure to readers. That’s when I made up my mind to educate myself in the art of social media. I made slow but steady progress and climbed a mountain. So much satisfaction at the top. Now I can look down and see where I’ve failed, pick myself up, and climb a taller peak. Good news! My readership has increased, which means higher…

Veronica Forand | When Twelve Heartbreakers Are Better Than One Hero
Author Guest / May 18, 2016

I love romances. Not only writing them, but reading them as well. When I was invited into the Heartbreaker and Heroes anthology, I was not only excited to write with some of my favorite authors, but I also had the chance to read the stories before anyone else!!! A few things I learned about our heroes: They all had rough childhoods, whether from abuse, neglect, or caught in a bad situation. Most of them don’t want to fall in love, but their hearts override their fears. Falling in love with men who have had a difficult past isn’t easy, but the heroines are tough enough to handle what ever comes along. Whether billionaire, biker, cop, or cowboy, heroes are all around us. Sometimes heartbreakers should be left in the dust. Other times, they are completely redeemable. I must admit I threw in some thriller elements to my story. I can’t help it. The story of a cop who tries and fails to rescue a woman from an abusive father had to go somewhat dark. But between writers like Jennie Marts and Jodi Linton, there are lots of humorous stories in the mix as well. About HEARTBREAKERS AND HEROES A brotherhood…

Cindi Madsen | What is it about opposites that attract?
Author Guest / May 18, 2016

What is it about opposites that attract? You could say that the heroine and hero in THE BAD BOY’S BABY are an opposites attract kind of couple. Admittedly, there are sometimes that I wonder how my husband can think so opposite of how I do. Last summer we remodeled, and our taste were so opposing that I often wondered how we ever managed to buy a house together in the first place. So there was some compromising on both ends, and we both loved the finished product. So I thought I’d explore what it is about opposites that attract. A new way of looking at things – I always like learning the way certain things affect another person and comparing it to how they affect me. Like music. I love asking what songs speak to someone and why, because I think it provides a great insight to other people. The challenge of stepping out of your comfort zone and trying new things that the other person likes. In THE BAD BOY’S BABY, Emma loves carnival rides and Cam would never set foot in what he thinks of imperfect machines made by imperfect people. Not to mention he doesn’t like confined…

Falguni Kothari | Interviews Simeen, the voice of MY LAST LOVE STORY
Author Guest / May 18, 2016

First off, thank you for doing this interview for us. I know you don’t have time for frivolous activities these days, what with your IVF cycle and your husband’s chemo. Simeen: It’s okay. I actually could use a break from all that. And from checking off items on Nirvaan’s tedious Titanic Wish List. What’s the Titanic Wish List? Simeen: Nirvaan’s bucket list. You know he doesn’t have long, so he wants to do all the things that matter to him before…he succumbs. I’m very sorry about Nirvaan’s cancer… Simeen: Thank you. But it’s okay. We’re okay. We’re dealing. So ask away. Right. Um, so…let’s start with, What’s the secret to having a good marriage? Simeen (grinning): A kinky spouse. Interesting answer. It certainly broke the ice. Next question, What’s the most fun party you ever attended? Simeen: The beach party where Nirvaan, Zayaan and I met for the first time. It was our fifteenth birthday—you know the three of us share our birthdays, right? So, we met at Dandi Beach, one hot summer night long ago. Wow. That’s some coincidence—the three of you sharing a birthday. Simeen: That’s not all we share. No pun intended. We also lived on the…

Rachel Thomas | Time Out
Author Guest / May 18, 2016

Taking time out to enjoy yourself is essential and it’s something I look forward to. I spend part of my day working on the farm and part of it writing, but I enjoy nothing better than to do something completely different. I have always had an interest in history and love visiting castles or grand old houses. I usually take my camera with me as it gives me a chance to indulge in that little passion too. Whilst the splendour of large stately homes is fun to see, it’s the castles I like best. Usually they are ruins, but I love to use my imagination and build up a picture of what life must have been like all those hundreds of years ago. Of course it doesn’t have to be time away or a day out. Just an hour or so to myself to relax and do something I want to do, which for me would be losing myself in a good book. Again, it’s history which draws me and this or romance is my chosen genre. At this time of the year, as summer is arriving and the days are becoming warmer and longer, I enjoy spending time in…