Fresh FIction Box Not To Miss
Jessica Jayne | Why Do Firefighters Make Such Great Romance Heroes?
Author Guest / May 17, 2016

When I was asked to do a little piece for Fresh Fiction, I knew I wanted to tie it to my new book, THE MISBEHAVED, which released—May 10th—from Totally Bound Publishing. It’s a friends-to-lovers romance involving a frisky bartender, Natalea Jones, and her best friend and most eligible bachelor, Drake Harte. The story opens at Natalea’s bar where she is hosting the charity reveal of the firefighter calendar, which includes as Mr. December—her best friend Drake. Yes, the hero of THE MISBEHAVED is a sexy firefighter. Not uncommon. Not unheard of. Who makes a more desirable hero than a firefighter? The interesting element for me is that I find myself drawn to them in my writing. I have three books that thrust a firefighter hero into the spotlight. Why? What makes these guys such great romance novel heroes? I’ve asked myself that question numerous times as I drive past our local firehouse and find myself slowing down in hopes of getting a glance of the firefighters out washing the trucks or shooting hoops in the driveway—with their shirts off, of course! And I’ll admit, some days I’m one lucky lady! J Is it the hard bodies? Maybe. As a warm-blooded…

Cate Cameron | Pros and Cons of Loving the Same Sport Your Boyfriend Loves
Author Guest / May 17, 2016

Pro of Same-Sport Loving – If you’re really dedicated to excellence, you have to spend a lot of time working out, practicing, and otherwise perfecting your game. If you have school or a job as well, there isn’t much time left for a relationship. But if your work out and practice time is ALSO relationship time, you’re all set! Con of Same-Sport Loving – One of you will probably be better at the sport than the other. This isn’t necessarily true, but it’s pretty likely. What effect will that have on the relationship? And if both of you are equally dedicated and equally skilled, how will it feel if the difference is based on something neither of you have any control over? Like, say, your boyfriend hit a growth spurt at puberty and turned into 6’2” muscle-man, and you? You didn’t. Pro – You’re both probably pretty fit. Nice muscles, strong bodies, lots of endurance… hard to argue with any of that! Con – You’re both probably pretty competitive. This can work well if you’re both on the same team, but if you face off against each other? Look out! Pro – Passionate competition can lead to other kinds of…

Anya Summers | An Interview with Tobias Ford, hero of TO MASTER & DEFEND
Author Guest / May 17, 2016

What is your name? Do you have a nickname? My name is Tobias Ford. I also answer to Master, Sir, or Master T. Where were you born? Where have you lived since then? Where do you call home? I was born in Tucson, Arizona. My mother still lives there. I’ve lived all over the world with my stint in the military. Currently, Pasedena , California is where I call home. What is one strong memory that has stuck with you from childhood? Why is it so powerful and lasting? My alcoholic father left my mother and I when I was five. It’s tempered my need to control my life. I never have more than a drink or two, the disease that drove him from our lives resides in my veins, so I’d prefer not to go down that road. Combined with my PTSD from my tours in Iraq and Afghanistan it would be a bad mixture all together. And I don’t have relationships with women who have children, I know how much that can mess with a child’s mind. I prefer my subs unattached and unfettered. You’re getting ready for a night out. Where are you going? What do you…

Susan Stoker | The Genesis of a Story
Author Guest / May 17, 2016

SHELTER FOR ELIZABETH came about in an interesting way. At the end of book 4 in my SEAL of Protection Series, PROTECTING SUMMER, the heroine was kidnapped by a serial killer who wanted to torture the Hero SEAL. In order to accomplish this, he kidnapped another random woman from the parking lot of the local Walmart. He tortured THAT woman, telling the heroine everything that was happening to her was going to happen to the heroine next. Enter the SEAL team to save the day…but not before the poor random woman was traumatized and brutalized. I kept getting reader notes asking if the poor random woman was going to get a SEAL of her own. At first I had no idea who they were talking about, as that woman was a “throw away” character. But I thought about it…it was the perfect set-up for a book. So…. Poor Elizabeth moves to Texas to try to get away from what happened to her at the hands of the serial killer. She has agoraphobia…meaning she’s scared to go outside and is in therapy. When she nearly sets her apartment on fire, she meets a hunky firefighter who takes a liking to her…and…

Patrice Lyle | My Top 5 Most Beautiful Florida Bird Pictures
Author Guest / May 16, 2016

Living in Florida is fabulous for many reasons, but one major reason I love it is all the beautiful birds I see on area walks. DH (‘Darling Hubby’ for those of you not familiar with the acronym) and I come across the most incredible creatures on every trek. And thanks to my awesome iPhone, I get the best pictures. Here are three pelicans hanging out! Here are two White Ibis birds on crab patrol! Here’s a majestic Great White Heron enjoying a river stroll! Here’s a Great Blue Heron that strolled past our beach umbrella! Here’s a Great Blue Heron enjoying a fish breakfast! And, as a bonus, here’s a cute turtle enjoying a grass lunch! The threatened gopher tortoise is the only native tortoise living east of the Mississippi River, and it’s Florida’s only true tortoise. What sort of birds or critters do you encounter on walks? What bird or critter pictures have you taken? Also, please join fellow author Rachel Good and I for a fun-filled Facebook party called “The Ultimate Food Fight” from the comfort of your home tomorrow night! Are you Team Whoopie Pie or Team Gluten Free Berry Cobbler? Pick your side and come join…

Kylie Logan | It’s all about the Ethnic Foods…
Author Guest / May 16, 2016

According to statistics, there are more than 33 million people in America–a little more than 10% of the population–who lay claim to Irish ancestors. I am not one of them. My bloodlines are strictly eastern European and I will take pierogi over corned beef and cabbage any day, a shot of vodka (it has to be from Poland) instead of a beer, a plate of the fruit-filled pastries called kolachki over . . . well, pretty much over anything! So why begin my new Ethnic Eats mystery series with IRISH STEWED and Irish food? The answer is really pretty simple. In the book, the heroine, Laurel Inwood, meets a man named Declan Fury who comes from a big, boisterous, rollicking Irish family. It’s no coincidence that my husband, David, comes from a big, boisterous . . . well, you get the picture. David’s ancestors were railroaders, firemen and housekeepers. Our current circle (it’s a big one) of relatives includes bagpipers and cops and any number of in-laws, nieces and nephews who will argue politics passionately with you one moment, then drape an arm around your shoulders and give you a hug the next. One of our best family traditions is…

Nancy J. Parra | Wedding Traditions
Author Guest / May 16, 2016

The standard traditions for good luck at weddings include the bride not being seen by the groom on the wedding day before the wedding ceremony. Then there is the bride wearing something old, something new, something borrowed and something blue. We throw rice to bring the marriage good luck and as a sign of fertility. Then there is the cutting of the wedding cake and the happy couple feeding each other. Keeping the top layer of the cake to be eaten on your first anniversary. So many traditions. All as a way to honor the bride and groom and to bring two families together as one. On my brother’s wedding day we could not decorate the church because there was a funeral scheduled before the wedding. They barely got the casket out and the funeral procession gone before people started showing up for the ceremony. WE went in and quickly changed the flowers from funeral to wedding. People whispered it was bad luck. But my brother is still happily married for over thrity years. My mother said it rained on her wedding day- also a sign of bad luck for the couple. And yet my parents are still together after…

Peg Cochran | Write Your Own Cozy Mystery in Ten Steps
Author Guest / May 16, 2016

Decide on the locale of your story. Is it going to be a real town or fictional? City or country? If it’s a big city, you’ll want to limit the action to a particular neighborhood that almost feels like a small town. Make it somewhere your readers would like to live. Create your “hook.” A hook is what sets your series apart from others. It can be an occupation for your sleuth like librarian, caterer, bookseller, etc. Or your hook can revolve around a hobby—knitting, scrapbooking, needlework, etc. Pick your victim. This is the fun part! Is there someone you would like to kill on paper? A disagreeable co-worker or an annoying neighbor? Be careful to change names and appearances but you can certainly borrow their irritating or despicable traits and make them your victim’s own. Pick your killer. Why does this person hate the victim enough to kill? They need a good motive for the crime. They can be a decent, upstanding citizen on the outside but evil on the inside. Decide on a murder method. Now that you have your killer, what would be a likely murder weapon? A gun or knife? Poison? The proverbial blow to the…

Jenny Block | Excerpt from ULTIMATE GUIDE TO SOLO SEX
Author Guest / May 14, 2016

Masturbation is a many-splendored thing but even here, all of us can get into a comfortable rut. Take what can be really good to really great with Lambda Literary Award winner Jenny Block’s guide to getting it on with yourself. Whether you are happily coupled, on your own, poly, or demonstrating for your lover(s) your solo skills, Block has the very best advice on how to pleasure yourself masterfully and share the love. Replete with thorough research, Block’s book covers the science of sex, wild and wonderful ideas for upping the ante, and lots of suggestions for use of toys. The ULTIMATE GUIDE TO SOLO SEX is sure to become the new classic that will show readers how to go from mundane to mind-blowing! Here’s an excerpt from her book: It is absolutely imperative that each of us know our body and know it well. It can be so easy to ignore that in our overly connected, overly busy world. We get up, get dressed, race off to work and school, come home, grab something to eat, veg out with the TV or a book, go to sleep, and then do it all over again the next day. It’s dangerous….

Jennifer Blackwood | Have Fun Being a Rule Breaker
Author Guest / May 14, 2016

I’ve spent most of my life abiding by a few rules: You can never say I love you too many times. Never go shopping at Target on a Friday. Always be kind. Never eat gas station sushi. Like, ever. Lainey Taylor, the heroine of THE RULE BOOK, also has rules that she abides by. You see, rules play a fundamental role in the book (if you couldn’t tell from the blurb). What starts off as Lainey mocking Brogan’s 300-page rule book quickly becomes a list of rules that help her survive her first job out of college. Anything from never inviting herself to a Netflix pity party with her boss (whoops, it totally happened!) to having Clorox wipes handy for when shit hits the fan, Lainey is prepared to tackle anything that life throws at her. But what she can’t seem to handle? Following Brogan Starr’s rigid rules at Starr Media. There’s anything from no garlic permitted on premises to certain hours employees aren’t allowed in Mr. Starr’s office. And she definitely can’t get over the fact that semi-colons are prohibited when posting on any form of social media. A little extreme? Lainey thinks so, too. This is her first…