Fresh FIction Box Not To Miss
Debbie Burns | My Writing Space
Author Guest / November 27, 2018

I most often write in the sunroom at the back of my house. It’s a cozy space in my South City St. Louis home that faces out into my backyard. My desk sits in the middle of a wall of windows overlooking a remarkable magnolia tree that flowers a little bit at a time from spring to fall. In the room with me when I write, undoubtedly, are my dogs, Nala and Hazel, and my cat, Owen. Hazel is usually content to doze on the couch while Nala and Owen compete to see who can end up closer to me. Owen is often on my lap or trying to take over my keyboard, while Nala worms her way underneath and often naps on my feet, putting them to sleep and making it difficult to get up for a break. On my desk near my monitor is a collection of meaningful trinkets related to whatever story I’m working on. Over the years, I’ve found this helps me quickly connect to my work in progress. For this series, I started with a Schlilich German shepherd who reminded me of Sledge in A New Leash on Love. When I was writing Sit, Stay,…

Cozy Corner with Kym Roberts | Mystery Trip (Part 2)
Author Guest , Cozy Corner / November 26, 2018

Last week, you learned about the first half the authors I met at The Poisoned Pen in Scottsdale, Arizona.  This week, I have the second group of fantastic books for you to check out. They are the perfect escape from the holiday bustle that seems to have started before Thanksgiving arrived! Just for you, these authors have created fantasy worlds through loads of research. If you’d like to attend the annual Birding Expo with J.R. Ripley, pick up a copy of A Bird Lover’s Mystery, it’s sure to capture your attention. Book #8, A Birder’s Guide to Murder released this month! If you want to travel to the wine country, JC Eaton has an intoxicating series, The Wine Lovers Mysteries. Book #2, Chardonnayed to Rest, released in October and is a perfect blend of warm-hearted community with secrets that will keep you guessing. Cheryl Hollon’s Shattered at Sea, A Webb’s Glass Shop Mystery, will open your eyes to the art of glass blowing and cast your imagination out to sea with the beauty and intrigue that occurs when a passenger disappears on a cruise liner. To round out my recommendations, a bit of historical noir will ground you with how…

L.J. Evans | Author Reader Match
Author Guest / November 23, 2018

Instead of trying to find your perfect match in a dating app, we bring you the “Reader Match” where we introduce you to authors as a reader you may fall in love with. It’s our great pleasure to present L.J. Evans! WRITES: I write…well, lots of genres, but they all have some kind of romance wrapped into them. My current standalone series, MY LIFE AS AN ALBUM, is contemporary romance. It started with a coming-of-age romance and is ending with a new adult slow burn. I’ve been accused of making people cry with my words, and I’m only half sorry for it.  Each book in this series was inspired by music and each chapter is really a song title where the words of the song speak to what the characters are going through. If you like music and romance, then you’ll, hopefully, love how they collide in these books. ABOUT AUTHOR: Sappy, romantic writer seeks fans of beautiful lyrics and touching words to read a series that is full of raw emotions and happy endings. After being a victim of “love at first sight” herself and being joyfully married for twenty-five years, the writer feels qualified to share a few happily…

Lynne Marshall | Thankful for THEIR CHRISTMAS MIRACLE
Author Guest , News / November 22, 2018

On November 1st, 2018, THEIR CHRISTMAS MIRACLE, book number two in the Charity, Montana trilogy from TULE Publishing, made the USA Today Bestseller list! It is the first time one of my books has made it, and I couldn’t be happier. THEIR CHRISTMAS MIRACLE by Lynne Marshall Charity, Montana, #2 Hunter Wood wants to be respected. A talented cook, he’s ventured out on his own, opening a breakfast and lunch diner in Charity, Montana. He’s got a lot to prove–mostly to himself–and more than a few people to convince he’s a changed man. Tracy Blevin is a registered nurse and pie baker extraordinaire, who is drawn to a most unlikely man, Hunter Wood. A nurturer by profession, she likes to feel needed, but the only thing Hunter needs her for is her pies. Their friendship has changed over the last six months as business partners. The more time Hunter spends with Tracy, the more he finds things to like about her. She’s smart, organized, and…those bright green eyes and delicate mouth are really starting to get to him. Maybe it’s time to move beyond just partnership… When a Montana winter car crash leaves a baby an orphan, Godfather Hunter, lives…

Nina Crespo | Behind the Playlist of The First Rule of Hook-ups
Author Guest / November 22, 2018

Music is a big part of my writing experience, along with dancing, whenever the mood strikes. My playlists are an eclectic mix of genres. Hip-hop, pop, rap, reggaeton, jazz, country, classical—they’re all part of my music selections. The perfect song can put me in the right headspace and drown out any competing thoughts that get in the way of my productivity. I become lost in the music as well as the story while I’m writing. From a practical standpoint, it also blocks out my upstairs neighbors when they get too loud. A killer playlist becomes the soundtrack for my story and often reflects the attitudes of my characters, along with the ups and downs they face. For instance, in THE FIRST RULE OF HOOK-UPS, as I thought about Alexa and her friends at the Breakup Bash—a party held at Club Escapade to help women get over one man and move onto a better one—a few of Beyoncé’s songs about women and empowerment came to mind. And in the book, when the DJ cues up a line dance song and Alexa joins in, the “Cupid Shuffle” was playing through my headphones. Music also helped in imagining Raphael, a retired male dancer…

Natasha Moore | Love Can Happen at Any Age
Author Guest / November 21, 2018

Falling in love is not limited to twenty-somethings. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy reading about young love. I was there once. It can be passionate, heart-wrenching, and exhilarating. But emotions don’t dry up when a character reaches the age of thirty or thirty-five. People over that age are still vibrant and passionate—in real life, and on the page. Mature characters in romances might have lost a partner through death or divorce, or they may have never found the right person or the right time for a relationship. Usually, they are comfortable with themselves and the lives they’ve built so they may not be all that eager to throw another person into the mix, no matter how wildly attracted they are to them. I enjoy writing what some call seasoned romance, romances with characters no longer in their twenties. But traditionally, the romance industry has favored young romances, and the word going around was that readers didn’t want to read love stories with characters who weren’t in the bloom of youth. Things are changing slowly, but I’ve discovered that there is a growing readership who are looking for romances with older characters. Older characters have more life experiences to bring…

Danielle Dresser | Books I’m Thankful For…
Author Guest / November 20, 2018

Welcome Fresh Fiction reviewer and Blog Coordinator, Danielle Dresser, sharing the books she’s thankful for… Stay tuned for more articles from our reviewers in the near future! I’ve always been a big reader. Anyone in my family will tell you that while I was growing up, we could be a block or two away from our house, but I wouldn’t be able to tell you how to get home because if I had a free moment – in the car after soccer practice, on the way to school, running errands with my parents – I was reading, and oblivious to everything around me if I was invested in a good book. So you can imagine, later this week when we’re sitting around Thanksgiving dinner and everyone is reflecting on the things we’re thankful for, I will definitely be saying books! Here are a few books I’m thankful for (from an ever-changing and ever-expanding list), and why they mean so much to me. Born in Fire by Nora Roberts This was one of the first romance novels my mom every recommended to me. My mom reads everything from medical journals to the latest bestsellers to the romance novels that line the…

Cozy Corner with Kym Roberts | Mystery Weekend at the Poisoned Pen
Author Guest / November 19, 2018

As an author, there’s nothing more gratifying than meeting readers who take interest in and appreciate your writing. As a reader, there’s nothing more fascinating than meeting your favorite authors, then being introduced to more authors whose work is new to you. As an author who reads religiously, the combination of those two things is heaven…especially when the event is hosted by an indy mystery/thriller bookstore like the Poisoned Pen in Scottsdale, Arizona! That’s what last weekend was for me. Pure bliss. A meeting of mystery authors from my publishing house that had stars shining down on it. I got to sit behind the scenes and chat with fascinating individuals who bring the world of mystery to life with their intriguing experiences. And after that, we got to meet readers and chat about our writing and just life in general. You never know what stories will come forward. Like the author who went out target shooting in the desert with a bunch of men she barely knew…and then she stuck one of their guns in her rib cage because she wanted to be able to describe the feeling in her book! Now there’s a story that could quickly be turned…

Elle Keating | Author Reader Match
Author Guest / November 19, 2018

Instead of trying to find your perfect match in a dating app, we bring you the “Reader Match” where we introduce you to authors as a reader you may fall in love with. It’s our great pleasure to present Elle Keating!  Writes: I write contemporary romance that tends to be steamy, gritty and heavy on the angst. I love torturing my readers, making them believe that all hope is lost, that my couple in no way shape or form can recover from whatever split them apart and then…bam! My hero and heroine find the happy ending they deserve. My most recent endeavor is Feels Like Falling (November 13th), a romance about a winery owner who has a past that keep him from really living, and an international fashion model who has secrets of her own. About: Romance writer seeks readers of stories packed with raw emotion, fierce heroines, and heroes who are willing to wear their hearts on their sleeves and fight for the women they love. What I’m looking for in my ideal reader match: Enjoys heroines who are not sickeningly sweet, refuse to be a doormat (especially to the hero) and give as good as they get.   Has…

Julie Particka | Comedic Influences
Author Guest / November 16, 2018

I have to admit, I am always alternately excited and confused when my publisher decides one of my books falls under the romantic comedy heading. Excited because rom-coms are my favorite type of romance. Confused because I don’t really set out to write comedy. Why? Because comedy is hard. It’s not that I don’t think I’m funny. I mean, if I can still make my teenagers laugh, but not laugh at me, I must be doing something right in the live comedy department. But in my experience, written comedy is a whole other ball game. And kind of like a five-year-old who is trying to learn to tell jokes, when I try to write comedy, it comes off stilted and…not funny. So rather than try to write comedy, I aim to write people the way people around me actually talk. Yet, I tend to fall back on two of my comedic influences when writing anyway. The first (love him, hate him, or try to ignore the bad stuff about him) is Joss Whedon. I’m going to take a stab in the dark that, like me, he doesn’t really consider himself a comedy writer. However, most of his work has strong…