Fresh FIction Box Not To Miss
Mariah Ankenman | Title Challenge: THE ROOMMATE PROBLEM
Author Guest / August 11, 2020

Hi all! My Name is Mariah Ankenman and I’m so excited to be here today to share a little bit about my new book The Roommate Problem with the Title Challenge. This opposites-attract, sunshine-and-grump romcom will have you laughing out loud and falling in love! So let’s get to it! T is for Tired. What August is after hours of driving to his new apartment only to find out his new roommate is a woman! H is for Happy. Mo radiates happiness at all times from what August can tell, seriously does the woman eat rainbows for breakfast or what? E is for Early riser. Which Mo is not. How the heck does August get up so early without a caffeine IV? * R is for Roommate. She really needs one to help pay the rent, but she never expected her new one to be such a grump…or so sexy! O is for Opposites. From their cleaning style, to their extrovert/introvert tendencies to their taste in pizza, Mo and August couldn’t be more opposite. O is for Oops! Living with a roommate is tough, especially when you accidentally catch them in an…indecent situation. M is for Moira. Mo to her…

Jennifer Ryan | 20 Questions: WAITING ON A COWBOY
Author Guest / August 11, 2020

Wednesday, August 26 at 7pm CT, you can chat via Zoom with Jennifer Ryan, during the Fresh Fiction Virtual Book Club! Please check our Eventbrite page for more details and to register. Hope to see you there! *** 1–What’s the name of your latest release?  Waiting on a Cowboy 2–What is it about?  Tate McGrath and Liz Scott have been best friends since kindergarten. Tate can always count on Liz to have his back and give it to him straight, so he’s not about to mess a good thing up. Until he sees her with a new guy and she gives Tate the cold shoulder. Tate doesn’t think Clint is good enough for Liz, and when her relationship with Clint turns dangerous, he discovers that not only does he want to protect her, he wants to keep her because everything he ever wanted was right in front of him the whole time. 3–What word best describes your heroine?  Tough 4–What makes your hero irresistible?  Tate cares, and he’s persistent. 5–Who are the people your main characters turn to when they need help?  Each other and family. Readers will get a glimpse of the entire McGrath family. 6–What do you love…

Sophia Singh Sasson | 20 Questions: MARRIAGE BY ARRANGEMENT
Author Guest / August 7, 2020

1–What’s the name of your latest release?  Marriage by Arrangement, the first in the Nights at the Mahal series from Harlequin Desire.  2–What is it about?  This is a second chance romance that explores the conflicting demands of cultural values, individual fears, and family obligations against falling in love.  The heroine Rani is an Indian American who struggles with her traditional Indian upbringing and her feminist beliefs. She’s still reeling from the community stigma of being divorced, the last thing she wants to do is fall in love with another Indian man with a traditional family. Arjun is the eldest son of a dynastic family and is arranged to be married to a business partner and family friend. Falling for Rani will rip his family apart. Both Arjun and Rani must find the courage to love, and to make the sacrifices necessary to see their love to fruition. 3–What word best describes your heroine?  Conflicted. 4–What makes your hero irresistible?  “He owns the room, even when it doesn’t belong to him.” The line is straight out of the book and perfectly described Arjun Singh.   5–Who are the people your main characters turn to when they need help?  For Rani…

T.I. Lowe | Exclusive Interview: SEA GLASS CASTLE
Author Guest / August 7, 2020

Hi, T. I.! Welcome back to Fresh Fiction. Please tell us about yourself and a little bit about your new book, SEA GLASS CASTLE. Thank you for inviting me again! I’m a storyteller and a daydreamer, and I have promised to never apologize for either. I’m from coastal South Carolina, so yes, I have a thick Southern twang and walk around barefoot more often than not. As you can imagine, Sea Glass Castle comes from my roots. Even though the Southern beach setting was easy enough, the characters weren’t so much. This story is the first one where I explore a divorcee and a widower. Sophia and Wes were a unique challenge, and it was so satisfying to give them a second chance at love. This is the final book in the Carolina Coast series. What has writing this series meant to you and what do you hope readers get out of it? This series explores romance, of course, but it also explores strong bonds of friendship. Readers will meet a young trio of women called the Sand Queens and also an older group called the Knitting Club. The two groups are quite different in dynamics, but the key elements of…

Blue Saffire | What’s Going On In My Head. . .
Author Guest / August 4, 2020

Hi! I’m Blue Saffire, author of The Blackhart Brothers Series. Thank you, Fresh Fiction for this opportunity to share with you and your readers what’s going on in my head. Now hold on, there’s a lot, I’m trying to make it interesting. LOL I have been working on a book that seems like it will never end. Like seriously, I’m at about 108k and I still have some things to add in. It’s the last book in a series so there’s a lot that goes in wrapping up a seven-book series. What I have been thinking about while working on this book is how as the author you have to pick which story you want to tell for each character. It was the same for In Deep, book 2 in the Blackhart Brothers Series. I had to make decisions. Did I want to dive into the mystery that’s going on in the background or did I want to focus on the romance and make the mystery completely secondary. Or is there a sweet spot right in the middle that will allow for perfection. Newsflash. I don’t think perfection is a real thing. Hahahaha. Yes, laugh with me and at my…

Jules Bennett | 20 Questions: HIDDEN AMBITION
Author Guest / August 4, 2020

1–What’s the name of your latest release?  HIDDEN AMBITION 2–What is it about?  This is a revenge plot with the hero out to get even for the people who hurt his family. The shero gets caught in the middle and he realizes he’s going to have to make a decision between family loyalty and love. 3–What word best describes your heroine?  My shero, Haley, is strong-willed, determined, loyal, and has a soft spot for Chase. She’s a kickass businesswoman and runs the office in a “man’s world” role. 4–What makes your hero irresistible?  Even though he’s out for revenge, you can’t help but fall in love with him. He’s hurt because his family fell apart, so he’s going about his justice in the wrong way. A tough hero with a vulnerability is so sexy to me! 5–Who are the people your main characters turn to when they need help?  Oh, they definitely run to each other for help, but they don’t realize how many lies they’ve gotten wrapped up in so they are definitely in this ordeal together. 6–What do you love about the setting of your book?  This is set in New York and the surrounding areas. I love…

Liz Johnson | Exclusive Interview: A DAZZLE OF DIAMONDS
Author Guest / August 4, 2020

Hi, Liz! Welcome to Fresh Fiction. Please tell us about yourself and a little bit about your new book, A DAZZLE OF DIAMONDS. Sometimes I can’t believe that A Dazzle of Diamonds is my 19th book! My first book released more than ten years ago, but I started writing long before that. I wrote my first novel–a western romance–when I was twelve. It’ll stay tucked in its drawer forever while I keep writing new books in my free time. By day I work in marketing for a non-profit in Phoenix. I find time to write on my lunch breaks and weekends. And I loved writing A Dazzle of Diamonds about Penelope and Tucker, best friends since childhood. But when Tucker’s family name is muddied, they set out to find a 150-year-old treasure and the truth. What they find is much more unexpected–and delightful.   This is the third book in your Georgia Coast Romance series. What has been fun about creating this world? What do you want readers to know about it if they’re reading this series for the first time? I’ve absolutely loved spending three books on the Georgia coast, unpacking a bit of the history and a whole…

Elia Winters | Exclusive Interview: HAIRPIN CURVES
Author Guest / July 31, 2020

Hi, Elia! Welcome to Fresh Fiction! Please introduce yourself and tell us about your new book, HAIRPIN CURVES. Thanks for having me! HAIRPIN CURVES is a frenemies-to-lovers road trip romance. Megan and Scarlett used to be best friends, but a falling-out after high school has kept them apart for the last seven years, and now they’re headed to Quebec on a road trip for a mutual friend’s wedding. Along the way, they of course discover a lot about each other and themselves.  There’s something so fun about a road trip romance! Have you ever gone on an epic road trip like Megan and Scarlett? Definitely. I grew up doing road trips, because my family had moved to Florida and left most of our extended family in Massachusetts. My parents didn’t fly, so we drove. We did more than the FL-to-MA trip, too: Jonesborough, Tennessee for the National Storytelling Festival; Parris Island, South Carolina for my brother’s Marine Corps graduation; St. Louis, Missouri to visit my sister, etc. As an adult, I’ve continued the road trip tradition, although I don’t have any aversion to flying (when it’s not a pandemic). My husband and I have driven to Quebec a number of…

Erin Marsh | Author-Reader Match: WILD COWBOY COUNTRY
Author Guest / July 31, 2020

Instead of trying to find your perfect match in a dating app, we bring you the “Author-Reader Match” where we introduce you to authors as a reader you may fall in love with. It’s our great pleasure to present Erin Marsh! Writes: Cowboy romances with a supporting cast of cuddly, rascally animals.  In Wild Cowboy Country, passionate national park ranger, Lacey Montgomery, must partner with hard-working rancher, Clay Stevens, to help save two wolf pups injured in a cave-in accidently triggered by Clay’s troubled teenage nephew. Already members of feuding families, Lacey and Clay have clashed in the past over the reintroduction of a wolf-pack on the land bordering Clay’s ranch.  When they are thrust together, however, they discover that they might not be such opposites after all. About: Author seeking readers who enjoy heart-felt romances populated by supporting characters of the furry, four-legged type, including adorable wolf pups, a nursemaid capybara, and a heroic camel.  Must be willing to both laugh and to open up their hearts to a Romeo-and-Juliet-like couple who must confront their pasts as they fall in love against the chiding disapproval of an entire, gossipy town.  Author has placed own experience with head injury into heroine’s…

Katie Golding | 20 Questions: FEARLESS
Author Guest / July 28, 2020

1–What’s the name of your latest release? Fearless 2–What is it about?  A soft-hearted cowboy returns home to Memphis to win back the heart of the fierce motorcycle racer he loves and lost. 3–What word best describes your heroine? Feisty 4–What makes your hero irresistible? He is super gentle, until it’s time to race or ride bulls. 5–Who are the people your main characters turn to when they need help? Billy always turns to his younger brother, Mason, while Taryn relies on her parents’ support   6–What do you love about the setting of your book? As a small town Texan, writing a country setting felt like coming home. I also loved adding in the excitement of the moto racing world. 7–Are you a plotter (follow an outline) or a pantster (write by the seat of your pants)? Plotter, no question. My outlines are long, notoriously detailed, and all through drafting I had year calendar on my wall that I color-coded to track Billy and Taryn’s racing schedule. 8–What is an ideal writing day for you? Coffee. Quiet. Headphones. And about 8-14 hours uninterrupted while my husband sweetly brings me food and drinks. I am a hyperfocuser, and I can…